All participants are to go directly to camp on trial days and report to Chief Steward or Training Coordinator by 07:45 am.

Note: If entries warrant, some tracks may be judged on the following Wednesday. Judges would not be required to flag new tracks. Judges appointed depends on number of entries.

Please also check our Procedures.

It has been a tradition with TrackWest that competitors contribute a bottle of wine to the Club when they gain a Title. This bottle is then put towards our Presentation Dinner in December. This is not compulsory but it is hoped that you will carry on the tradition. The bottle can be given to the Club President.

Questions can be directed to the Trial Secretary

2024 Tracking Trial Schedule

Saturday 18th MayWednesday 22nd MaySchedule
Saturday 8th June Wednesday 12th June Schedule
Saturday 29 June Wednesday 3rd JulySchedule
Saturday 20th July Wednesday 24th July Schedule
Saturday 10th August Wednesday 14th August Schedule
Saturday 31st August Wednesday 4th SeptemberSchedule
Saturday 14th September Wednesday 18th September Schedule

2024 Track and Search Trial Schedule

Saturday 25th MaySunday 26th MayWednesday 29th MaySchedule
Saturday 22nd JuneSunday 23rd JuneWednesday 26th JuneSchedule
Saturday 27th JulySunday 28th JulyWednesday 31st JulySchedule
Saturday 17th AugustSunday 18th AugustWednesday 21st AugustSchedule
Saturday 28th SeptemberSunday 29th SeptemberWednesday 2nd OctoberSchedule
Saturday 19th OctoberSchedule